After hearing the Matrix debate whether to take the red pill or blue pill, I stand with wanting to take the blue pill. I could not take the red pill knowing that Morpheus could be lying or untrustworthy. I understand wanting to now the truth of the world you live in and have free will but how can you truly have free will if you dont know the person giving it to you. Taking the blue pill is not ignorant but rather smart, this allows you to maintain the life you have and attempt to figure out the truth if you decide to. I don't think everyone would be ready to know the truth that Morpheus had to offer. Or even worse, some people may think they are ready and end up like Cypher, resenting everyone around him and trying to go back to the Matrix at any cost. I also know I might regret taking the red pill when I found out that everyone was chosen as "the one" and we are all the same and might not make any actually difference. Knowing Morpheus before and after taking the pill I think he came off as manipulative and did what he thought was right in order for you to take the red pill. Once you take the red pill you now are fighting for your life in something you may not have been ready for.
Although I do see the argument for the red pill, I could not take it without knowing the true intentions of those around me, trusting blindly. Morpheus makes the pills seem like a choice but in reality he's dangling an unknown truth in front of your face along with your old, perhaps boring life. It's only human to be curious impulsive behavior come along with curiosity. These behaviors might make you end up in a reality you do not want or are ready for. Taking the blue pill is free will, it's deciding what you chose to do with your life unaware of other possible factors, allowing you to chose your own reality.
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