Phillip K. Dick is an American science-fiction writer who has written 44 novels and about 121 short stories. His science fiction consisted mostly of alternate realities testing the limits of life as we know it. One of his novel Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? (1968) is the inspiration behind the movie Bladerunner (1982). Another one of his works that was turned into a television series The Man In The High Castle which won a Hugo award for best novel. Phillip K. Dick is known to have influenced and inspired generations in the way of thinking of the future. He created fictional technological advances that had not been thought of or created yet. Phillip believed we live in a parallel universe and within that we lived in one of the "better ones". Some topics of his works consisted of life being a simulation, existentialism, dystopian dread, realism, multiple realities, time travel, mistrust in technology, virtual reality, and lastly artificial intelligence. All these ideas were the basis of many science fictions pieces to come. Phillip K. Dick paved the way or directors and writers and is still influential today. Critics have called him the "Shakespeare of Science Fiction".
Phillip was known to take amphetamines daily for years. I thought this was interesting because amphetamine's origin includes a range of other drugs that act as stimulants or hallucinogens. This brings into question if his work is based around his drug trips that could have given him ideas and allowed him to see the "parallel universe". Either way his work was astonishing but the drugs among other things led to a suicide attempt.
I also found that after a wisdom tooth extraction a woman visited Phillip in his home wearing a gold necklace in which the sun reflected off and created a pink beam. This beam had Phillip mesmerized and felt it gave him intelligence and wisdom. This experience led to the writing of VALIS (Vast Active Living Intelligence System) which was used for alien interpretation of the Christian God. Following this he had hallucinations for months that was described to be from schizophrenia or damage from his drug use. Wherever Phillips ideas came from the influence of his work will live on.
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