We chose to show Roy’s point of view with his memories. As a replicant he experienced things including fearing for his life. He was the antagonist and leader of the Nexus 6 group that went to earth but in the end, he really showed that he was scared to die and worried his memories would be gone. We wanted to show both his dark side and what we thought was fearful for him. We made a storm with pouring rain coming from a big cloud, each raindrop or tear is a collage of his memories. We decided to get the pictures wet and smeared to symbolize the memories fading away with the rain as Roy died.
Some images we included in our collage consist of the robot eye and human eyes which was huge importance of this movie. The object used to detect if someone was a replicant was also in this collage and we made sure to add Leon and Pris who meant a lot to Roy and felt the same feelings as him, fear. We made sure to add his creator Tyrell as well as the brand nexus and of course the number four which would be his year death date. We also added pictures we thought symbolized Roy’s end quote talking about attack ships on fire and C beams glitter in the dark. I chose to add some images of robots to show that although Roy was physical and felt human, he still wasn’t. We added a picture of a dove symbolizing him letting go of his life at the end of the movie. We put pictures of Earth specifically at the Bradbury hotel where he stayed. I also think it’s important to add Deckard in this collage because Roy knew of him and even mentioned that he thought he was supposed to be the best guy to capture replicants.
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